HomeNEET PhysicsHow To Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics - Top 10 Points

How To Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics – Top 10 Points

Score 100% in NEET Physics – Top 10 Strategies Discussed

For a student who is aiming to clear the NEET exam, definitely one of the challenging things that he/she is going to face is PHYSICS.So the first question that arises here is “ How to study Physics”. How to Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics. Most science students are always afraid of those subjects that involve numbers – especially Math and Physics. This may be due to the fact that they lack preparation or their speed is not enough to solve the questions in time. This happens because the first thing is that they must understand the question properly then they must be able to recollect the correct formula for that question and then only they can arrive at the right answer. So overall speaking this will literally take some time. And the truth is that there is no shortcut for solving such questions. One must practice on a regular basis to get into the speed.

According to the NEET exam pattern, there are 45 questions that come from Physics. Each question will carry 4 marks and a negative mark for every incorrect answer. Section A comprises 35 questions while Section -B comprises 15 questions, out of which 10 questions have to be attempted. Thus in order to get a good score in Physics Section, it is advisable to correct at least 43 out of 45 questions. And this is achievable. Practice more and more and with utmost dedication nothing is impossible.

When it comes to the syllabus for Physics NEET Exam, it basically covers some major units from the 11th and 12th classes. And the syllabus is designed with reference to NCERT, CBSE, AND COBSEW.

Now since we are clear about the syllabus and exam pattern, let’s check out how to score 100% in NEET physics:-

    1. Stop being afraid, instead start facing the reality – No matter which subjects you are studying and no matter which competitive exam you are going to appear in, the first and foremost thing is to Know the syllabus as well as the exam pattern. The next important thing is “Don’t be afraid of any subject Because there is always a way out. Start from the basics and make yourself clear from the lowest level. When it comes to physics, it’s the concepts that must be applied in derivations as well as calculations. Instead of mugging up the theory one must learn how to implement theoretical knowledge in practicality and while solving numericals. So create a strong foundation first and then proceed. Start solving simple problems initially then slowly increase the difficulty level.
    2. Plan a strategy – Preparing the right schedule is something that brings confidence. A person without proper planning is like someone wandering the road without knowing where to go. So planning is a must for every student. One must divide the syllabus into small segments – eg – the topics which can be handled easily, topics that are moderate, and topics that are difficult yet important from an examination point of view. Keep a note of that. So it becomes easy for a person to fix the deadline. And it is mandatory to stick to the deadline always, otherwise, there is no point in making a schedule. Try making achievable deadlines. Keep a check on the schedule and deadlines at infrequent intervals.
    3. Be confident with basic Mathematics – To Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics – Yes, Mathematics plays a very important role in solving Physics questions. Have a basic idea about integration, trigonometry, differentiation, geometric estimations, etc.(NOTE: No need to go for too much complex integration and differentiation.) Basic rules with respect to multiplication and division will work. Vectors cannot be ignored so be clear with dot products, cross products as well as properties.
    4. Make your concepts clear – Simply memorizing the topics without understanding the concept behind and how to apply it, things will not work. So as mentioned earlier fundamentals must be clear. You must question yourself, for eg – How this has happened, why this happened, and what could be the reason behind it. So when you start finding answers to your own queries you will find things become easier and clearer.  In fact, all the concepts in Physics are interconnected with each other so if you can find this connecting link then nothing can stop you from enjoying this subject. First focus on the concepts of important topics. Your preparation strategy should be in such a way that it must be application-oriented and stand up to the expectation of exam patterns.

Now the next question that arises is how to remember the concept?

For this simply follow the below-mentioned steps to Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics-

  • Start the basics from the NCERT book, dedicate your time in understanding the concept clearly.
  • Try yourself deriving the equation and analyze the logic used
  • You may also study the same topic from other reference books as well(in case if you want further or more detailed information)
  • Last but not least immediately after finishing the topic, solve model questions related to that topic.

5. Time management – The preparation strategy depends strictly on how a person is able to manage their time. And when it comes to physics it is of utmost importance. In order to increase speed, two things are important – First learn the formulas in such a way that they must be at fingertips, and second is to know how to implement those formulas in the numerical-based question in a short period of time and this is only possible if one dedicates some time for working out questions as a part of regular routine. While practicing questions keep track of your timing. You must practice finishing the questions within a particular time period. Never ever make a mistake of hitting the head on a particular question for too long, just proceed, mark it and come back to it at the end during exams.

6. How to remember the formulas  –  Making notes on formulas is fine but another challenging thing is how to retain those formulas in memory for a longer duration. So it’s better to write down formulas after the end of every chapter in the form of a crisp note. And make a habit to go through it once as soon as you wake up every morning. Initially refer to this crisp note while solving the questions, but slowly and gradually learn to solve the problems without referring to them, this will help you in realizing the fact that which formulas you are well acquainted with and which formulas you need further revision. Instead of memorizing the formulae, it’s better to understand and work on its derivation because this will help you solve the problems with ease.

7. Learn through pictures – Pictorial representation helps in imbibing things better. For eg – Problems related to Fluid mechanics, kinematics, oscillations, or thermodynamics it is advisable to make a rough image related to the problem and then try visual representation. So when we look into it, it will provide us better insight and surely help in resolving the questions easily and accurately.

8. Focus on important topics first – The most important topics in Physics with respect to NEET includes – Mechanics (which holds the maximum weightage among the topics), followed by Current electricity and electromagnetic induction, Heat & Thermodynamics, Electrostatics & Magnetism, Oscillation & Waves,  optics and finally Modern Physics. So first clear the concepts from these topics and then switch over to the next. Instead of going through the entire chapter one may focus on those topics from which questions are asked frequently. 

Some preparation tips for covering important topics:-

  • Mechanics is one such topic where you will come across different concepts within a single question. 
  • An important section from Physics includes how to determine torque, a moment of inertia of regular bodies with the help of theorems with respect to the parallel and perpendicular axis. So one can train themselves by solving questions from these topics. Apart from that practice numericals based on angular momentum conservation as well as rolling motion. Problems related to circular motion can be easily handled by the candidate.
  • Kinematics – Yet another important topic for NEET Physics. This topic was found to be simple and interesting among the students. problems related to finding maximum velocity, height, flight time, range, etc are important. Thus needs regular practice. One must be clear with the definitions of acceleration, relative velocity, displacement, average velocity, etc.
  • Heat and Thermodynamics – learn and understand the principle of various laws for eg- Laws of thermodynamics, Joule’s law, etc. Refer and practice model question papers to work on Carnot Engine i.e. with respect to efficiency as well as coefficient of the performance. The kinetic theory of gases is one such topic that can be handled easily with practice.
  • Electrostatics and Magnetism – This also holds a good weightage and chapters are related to each other. More questions are expected from topics like electrostatic potential and capacitance. The majority of numericals come from this area. Don’t miss these topics – Motion in electric and magnetic fields, Magnetic dipole, Potential energy in an external field.
  • Modern Physics – This is one of the scorable topics with respect to the physics section. One may start preparing for it by focussing on topics like Dual nature of matter, Radioactive Decay of Substances, X-rays, Nuclear Fission and Fusion, Bohr’s Model. To make the basics clear, one may refer to NCERT Physics.
  •  Another important thing is to give focus towards units as it is used in numericals very much.

Learn Smart Tricks To Crack NEET Exam 2022

9. Follow the right study material – NCERT is the best book to be referred to as some theoretical questions are asked directly from here Apart from that books like ‘Concepts of Physics by H.C Verma are advisable for theoretical knowledge, ‘3000 Solved Problems in Physics’ by Schaum for practicing numericals. One may also follow E Irodov and DC Pandey series for more complex problems. Try collecting Previous year’s question papers and start working on them from the beginning.

10. Practice MCQs regularly as a part of routine work –  Unlike other subjects Physics needs a lot of practice. Simply mugging up the formulas will not work one must also learn to apply them practically and this can be generated only with regular practice. So dedicate some time to working out questions regularly. Well, an ideal way is to work out numericals after every chapter. Practice as much as you can, no limit to that. Because these mock tests will make you aware of your weakness and not only that it will also help you to work under pressure. Meaning within a particular time period one needs to finish the question, so a kind of time management as well. And adding to that you will be more acquainted with the pattern of exams. Always attend the mock test thinking that you are writing the main exam. So  Start solving easier problems first, next move to bit complex questions, and then move onto difficult ones. In this way, you will be able to keep a track of yourself and make things easier and faster.

11. Use smart tricks – No doubt hard work will definitely lead to success but sometimes smart tricks will also work. Here are some of them – 

  • Method of Elimination – Eliminating the options is one of the best ways to solve any MCQs provided you must have some idea about all the given options. Initially try eliminating one or 2 options if you think it’s completely irrelevant to the question asked. Then think deeply and wisely eliminate the other option too. Now you are ready with your answer. Luck plays an important role here. But with practice, one can definitely learn to eliminate the options wisely.
  • Dimensional Analysis – At Least one can expect 1 or 2 questions based on dimension. For eg- if a question is based on a time period then one can choose the option that has a second in it, eliminating others.
  • Consider the given options one after another – Try putting the values given in the option to the question asked, sometimes you may jump into correct options within less time.
  • Read the questions thoroughly – This can be considered specifically for kinematics and sometimes can be used for laws of motion as well. Check the variables which are constant and which are not then you can apply the equations directly.
  • Give the answer if you are confident – sometimes doing guesswork, getting into approximate values, or considering the probability will not work because negative markings are also there. So don’t become prey for it.

“Nothing is impossible, as the term itself says I am Possible”. You can definitely Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics.

Physics is one such subject that can be scored well. In fact, I can say full marks are achievable. The only thing is that one must be clear with the concept and should know the techniques on how to solve the problems. Above that, as mentioned before “Practice” With practice you may hold the correct speed as well as accuracy. Have patience and make yourself calm and clear, sometimes the answer will be in front of us for which we have struggled for a long time. 

The hard work and effort will definitely pay off. Have a healthy diet and have ample sleeping hours. I hope this article gave you an idea about the preparation strategy for Physics. So best wishes to all of you.

Author : Divya S

Keywords: Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics, How to Score 100% Marks In NEET Physics, How to score high marks in Physics subject in NEET Exam



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